From Extra Virgin to Harvest Dates:
How to Choose the Perfect Olive Oil

When it comes to choosing high-quality olive oil, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are a few tips to help you find a top-quality product:
Extra Virgin
Look for the "Extra Virgin" label: This indicates that the oil is made from pure, cold-pressed olives and has no defects or chemical treatments.
Fresh Olive Oil
Check the harvest date: Olive oil is best consumed within 18 months of the harvest date. Look for a recent harvest date or a "bottled on" date. Freshly pressed olive oil will always have a better flavor than oil that has been sitting on the shelf for a long time.
Dark Glass
Check the packaging: Olive oil should be packaged in dark glass or metal bottles, which help to protect the oil from light and air.
Look for certifications such as organic, PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), which are labels that indicate that the oil has been produced according to specific quality standards.
Be Mindful of Price
While high-quality olive oil may be a bit more expensive than lower-quality oils, it's important to be mindful of price. Be wary of any oil that is priced significantly lower than the others, as this may be an indication that it is not of high quality.
Look for Awards
Many reputable olive oil competitions take place around the world, where the best olive oils are awarded. Look for the bottles that have medals or awards from competitions.
Know Producer
Research the producer, look for information about their production methods and quality control. Producers who take pride in their product will often provide detailed information about their production methods on their website or on the label.
Pomace olive oil
Avoid refined or "light" olive oils, which are made using chemical processes and lose many of the beneficial compounds found in extra virgin olive oil. Be aware that oils may be labeled as "Pure", "Pomace" or "olive oil," but these are typically lower quality and not recommended for cooking or as a source of health benefits. Pomace is used exclusively for frying, because it has a high temperature resistance.
Olive Oil
Be wary of oils that have been flavored or infused: These oils may not be extra virgin olive oil, and the added flavors may mask any defects in the oil.
When buying olive oil, it's better to buy it in small bottles, as it will retain its freshness for a longer period.
Additional Information That May Be Helpful
  • Variety
    Look for single-variety or single-estate olive oil: These oils are often of higher quality as they are made from a specific variety of olives grown in a specific region, which can give them unique characteristics and flavors.
  • Ask for Recommendations
    Don't hesitate to ask the store owner or the salesperson for their recommendations, they will be more than happy to assist you in choosing the right olive oil that suits your taste and preference.
  • Be aware of potential frauds
    Olive oil fraud is a common issue, it's important to research the brands and suppliers and make sure you're buying from a reputable source.
  • Taste Before you Buy
    Many shops now offer a taste test of their oils, it's a good opportunity to try the oil before making a purchase, and to compare the different flavors and aromas of the olive oils available.
  • Trust your Senses
    Take a small sip or smell the oil before buying it. A high-quality olive oil should have a fruity and slightly bitter taste with a hint of green and grassy aroma.
  • Acidity level:
    High-quality olive oil should have an acidity level of less than 0.8%. The lower the acidity level, the higher the quality of the oil
It's important to keep in mind that high-quality olive oil can be a bit more expensive than lower-quality oils, but the extra cost is often worth it for the superior taste and health benefits.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding a high-quality olive oil that meets your taste preferences and nutritional needs. Remember that high-quality olive oil is a natural product and the taste, color and aroma may vary from one batch to another, depending on the olives used, the terroir and the production process.